Tuesday, May 27, 2008

OCCIDIS is back!

As the new band manager of OCCIDS I am very excited to announce to the world that OCCIDIS is back together (with some changes made in band members) and that they are getting very close to playing shows again.

For those of you that aren't familiar with OCCIDIS, they are Salt Lake City's biggest and heaviest metal band. Their songs are stories. Each track is another tale, another story, another life. Things they feel and things they've done. People, who most never know about, and may never hear about. They are the storytellers, and OCCIDIS is ready to share their stories.
OCCIDS has matured over the few years they took off and they have written new songs that are sure to blow their fans away.

I will post details about their shows as they draw nearer. I am so excited for the direction that everything is going. Shows promise to be a totally unique experience to Utah.
For those of you that aren't familiar with OCCIDIS check out these links:
http://www.myspace.com/occidis to listen to a few of their older songs
http://www.garageradio.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1179 an awesome review that Garage Radio Magazine did in 2005.
Currently merchandise can be found on the myspace link or at http://www.zazzle.com/ keyword OCCIDIS. We are having merchandise made right now and are hoping to have it available in the next couple weeks. It will be for sale at the shows and possibly online.
Keep checking back for details about recordings, merchandise and upcoming shows.

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